December 2019 Horoscopes for Every Star Sign

Our tarot reader gives her verdict.

By Kerry Ward
Nov 19, 2019


Want to know what's in store for your star sign for December 2019? It's all in the cards...



(Two of Wands, Five of Wands, The Hierophant)


Take the high ground, this festive season, in any of those lil family/workplace/friendship spats, which might be brewing. December is busy, social and, even for someone with your big engine, tiring. You will get a bit ratty, but resist the urge to spew forth your Mars temperament and go to war. Retreat, chill, have a duvet day… stay out of the trouble-spots and you’ll have a blast this month.



(Nine of Coins, Eight of Wands, Page of Cups)


The people you decide to reconnect with this December could return to your life for good, so choose wisely. We often instigate reunions, or even just send merry messages to people we think of with affection but no longer see, over the holidays. Review your ‘Christmas Past’ and select some people you’d like to be around again. A simple message can re-forge the connection, and you won’t regret it.



(Two of Cups, Five of Coins, Knight of Swords)


For some reason, your thoughts drift back to your exes and romances which never got off the ground, perhaps you’re processing some of the latent life lessons to be had here, perhaps you’re missing someone, perhaps you’re just being a wee bit maudlin. Acknowledge what’s really going on, process your feelings, act on them (if necessary) and then get back to the present, savour the magic moments and have fun. Don’t stare at the past, Gemmy.



(Justice, Two of Swords, King of Cups)


A long-running entanglement will come to a head and be resolved in your favour, vindicating you and releasing you, finally, from the stress of standing your ground. When this happens- be gracious, be kind and let it ALL go. No revenge fantasies please. It’s the season of goodwill, and you’ve got an opportunity to put some credit into the ‘good karma bank’ by being a magnanimous victor. Play nice.



(Eight of Swords, The Devil, Seven of Wands)


Your theme tune this December is ‘new news’! Go seek fresh landscape, new faces, different activities, a broader social circle, an alternative angle on things... shake it all up and revel in the character-developing benefits and fresh energy boost you get as a result. We can get a bit nostalgic this time of year… not you though, Leo! You’re on the prowl for new news, this is where you’ll find your joy this month.



(The High Priestess, Six of Swords, King of Wands)


Deep down, you’re preparing (and actually ready) to make a bold move in your life. It’ll probably come to pass in January, but you’re in the final stages of identifying your ambition and making your plans. Good for you! This whole enterprise is going to feel rejuvenating and cathartic. You’re due a change of scene, a new perspective, a fresh take on things. Have confidence and faith in your ability to move on in early 2020 and, in the meantime, enjoy your festive season to the max!



(Seven of Coins, The Hermit, Six of Wands)


There’s a pot of gold over a rainbow you’ve been dreaming of, and now is the time to make your move, Libra! A change of course is necessary, but it’s not entirely about your external circumstances, because this project starts at home. Perhaps it’s an educational course or a new skill you’re practising, maybe you’re creating something in the kitchen/office/ workshop, or you could just be drawing up some world-beating plans for 2020. It’s a solo effort, and it’s going to lead to big success, so dig in!



(Strength, Queen of Cups, King of Coins)


You’re a powerful ally (and a feared enemy - there’s a sting in your tail, for sure). This festive season, you take great pride and solace from being a source of strength for those people you love and like the most. The holidays aren’t a happy time for everyone, and you notice those who’re struggling. You’re a good friend, a wonderful ‘rock’ to others, and you love boosting those you care for. Good on you, Scorpy, go revel in the season of goodwill!



(The Empress, Justice, Two of Wands)


You might be faced with a choice this December, and you might be tempted to take the easy/immediately satisfying/self-interested option... please don’t! Look at the long-term impact, consider how this will affect others, and think about using this decision to do good for all. With that lens, it will be clear what the right path is, and you’ll feel GOOD about taking it. Let your ‘best self’ forge ahead.



(King of Cups, The Lovers, Six of Swords)


You’ve got an important cross roads, and decision, ahead regarding your love life. Perhaps there are two admirers jousting for your attention (lucky Cappy), perhaps you’re unsure about your current love’s potential, perhaps you don’t know what the heck you want. Figure it out, my friend. When you get to the truth of the things, and act from that place, you’ll be sure and confident you’re doing the right thing. Contemplate and then commit one way or the other.



(Three of Swords, Nine of Wands, Seven of Wands)


Crumbs, you’re embroiled in a ‘triangle’ of some sort, be it a romantic/professional/family one. Sucks doesn’t it? Well, Aquarius, please know that you ARE in a strong position, even if it doesn’t feel that way. Please also know that you should try and stand your ground, don’t bend to accommodate others, don’t step back… lean in and win! What outcome do you truly want here? Visualise it, and then take the initiative to go for it. You’ve got this!



(Death, The Chariot, Six of Cups)


Your future lies in your past, Pisces, and in re-activating someone/thing/place which you once held great affection for. It won’t be a literal re-run of before though, because everything’s different now. This return to old ground will actually trigger a transformation in your life which will carry into 2020 on a wave of good vibes. So, a walk down Memory Lane is in order…


Credit: Cosmopolitan

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