I, an Astrologer, Don’t Care if Astrology Isn’t “Real”

By Aliza Kelly
Sep 11, 2019

Hi, I’m a professional astrologer. Over the past six years, I’ve counselled thousands of clients, helping each decode the mysteries—Why are Full Moons energising? Why are Sagittarians such heartbreakers?— embedded within their birth charts. I use the natal chart (which is, quite literally, a snapshot of the sky at an exact moment of birth) to glean comprehensive insight into an individual’s personality, internal experiences, relationship dynamics, familial obligations, past lives, and even their destiny.

When I tell people I’m an astrologer, I usually get: Ooh, what does it really mean to be an astrologer? What does it entail? How does it work? I’m always happy to answer genuine questions about my job, and I explain that astrology is an incredibly powerful tool. I’ve watched people completely transform from it.

But for every person who is genuinely excited to ask these sorts of questions about astrology, there’s a condescending IRL troll who’s equally obsessed with “debunking” it. The latter often leads with loud, public, snide remarks such as, If two people are born on the same day, do they really have the exact same personality?” (lol, no, astrology is much more complex than that) and “You’re telling me that my whole life is dictated by the planets?” (everything is a combination of nature and nurture, sweetie). In these instances, when I’m asked to “prove” astrology’s legitimacy, people are often shocked by my response: As an astrologer, I truly do not care if astrology is “real.”

Astrology is, fundamentally, a practice in empathy. We use the stars, planets, and celestial bodies to understand ourselves as multidimensional beings, recognising that how we act isn’t always how we feel and what we do isn’t always what we desire. But just because feelings aren’t quantifiable in a scientific way doesn’t mean that astrology can’t have an impact on someone’s life. You know how you get a sinking feeling in your stomach after receiving a nebulous text? Or are suddenly overwhelmed with jealousy if a friend receives something you wanted? Although these expressions can’t be folded neatly into data, the emotional experiences are very powerful, and having explanations for them even more so.

Plus, there are other things people treat way more seriously even though they’re not necessarily more “scientific” than astrology. For instance, did you know that everyone’s favourite corporate personality test, Myers-Briggs, is based on the work of famed psychologist Carl Jung who was...ahem...a huge astrology enthusiast?! That’s right! Astrology was the foundation of Jung’s groundbreaking “personality types.” Likewise, astrology is considered by some to be the root of most psychological practices, and a conversation with a talk-therapist can feel a lot like working with an astrologer. *the more you know*

Take, for instance, a client I worked with who was going through some pretty rough life transitions. After moving across the country to pursue both a dream job and a promising relationship, she was fired and dumped in only a matter of weeks—yikes. However, upon looking at her chart, I realised that Uranus (the planet of innovation and revolution) was positioned on top of her Ascendant (also known as the Rising sign). To put it simply, this position means that whenever she begins a new cycle, it always goes off with a bang. So, rather than interpret these challenging life events as endings, astrology enabled her to understand them as beginnings.

So, is the Moon really controlling your emotions? (Well, it does spark internal reflection, especially during eclipse season.) Does Saturn literally reflect your father? (Maybe not, but it represents rules, responsibilities, and the patriarchy, which can feel like very Dad Energy.) As an astrologer, I would (of course) argue yes…especially since I encounter these symbols literally in my clients’ charts (a prominent Moon, for instance, reveals someone who’s very in touch with their feelings, whereas a strong Saturn may expose some serious #DaddyIssues). But TBH, it doesn’t matter whether the planets influence your experience directly or provide you with a new perspective on complicated aspects of your personality.

Practicing astrology sparks self-awareness, and at the end of the day, that’s what matters most.


Credit: Cosmopolitan

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