There are Already Rumours About the iPhone 8 And It's Super Futuristic

Looks like everyone's pretty keen to just skip the 7, tbh.

Mar 21, 2018

According to TechInsider​, Apple is going to skip the usual 'S' version of each phone model it tends to bring out a while after the initial one's release, and jump straight onto the 8 - coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the iPhone's existence.

Because it's the 10 year anniversary, those in the know are predicting a big overhaul for the humble iPhone, and if these insights are anything to go by, it'll be all kinds of ~futuristic~.

Here's what the rumours are so far:

The screen will fit the whole of the front display of the phone, with no borders around the edge. It's also thought that it'll be made up almost entirely of glass, so god help us if we drop it.

The home button won't be visible, which many tech geeks thought would be the case with the iPhone 7, but it seems not. 

The screen will be clearer than ever before, thanks to having an AMOLED display. I don't have a clue what that is but all we need to know is that it's different to the LCD display current iPhones have. 

It will have wireless charging, the wizardry we've been waiting on. Apparently, Apple recently submitted a patent on the technology they'd need to make this happen, which makes us think our dreams of a world where we don't have to carry around an iPhone cable might actually become a reality sooner rather than later. 

And... no it won't have a headphone jack. Of course it won't, Apple don't reverse their technology, do they? But by that time we'll probably all have adapted to the lack of headphone port and will have moved on with our lives. Hopefully.

Looks like the future's closer than we think, if this is being released next year.

[H/T Tech Insider]

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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