There is a New Menswear Model Breaking the Internet...... and He's a Dog!

You won't believe the pictures he takes

Mar 21, 2018

​I'm sure we have all heard people say ironically that it's a Dog's life , but in this case i have to agree that it most certainly is.

Meet Bodhi , the extremely handsome five year old Shiba Lnu dog who has taken  the menswear modelling world by storm. His instagram account that goes by the name of mensweardog has over 275k followers , a lot more then many male models have these days.

This super photogenic canine can make men's clothing look better then a lot of men , and some of the results of his fashionable photoshoots are given bellow.

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With hastags like #getmygoodside and #bornforthis , Bodhi's modeling pics are grabbing loads of attention and he is now being paid and signed as a model by many designer menswear labels. Salvador Ferragamo and Brooks Brothers have both used Bodhi in ad campaigns along with popular online label ASOS.

We look forward to following Bodhi's career and awwwing at his fabulous modelling pics.

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Now, thats one good looking dog!

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