Ways to tell your parents about your significant other

There’s a right time to tell your folks about babe.

Mar 15, 2023

You’re in a relationship, everything’s going amazing. You love them; your friends love them. The next logical step is telling your parents about this special someone. While the timing is important, how you tell them also matters and will impact how they perceive your partner and the relationship. In case you’re wondering what the best way is, read on. 

Tell your partner about it first

Always. They are the other half in the relationship and the one being introduced. They must be on the same page about it—the timing, what will be said, and so on. And for all you know, they may have a suggestion or two about it. It is also wise to discuss beforehand what part of their personality will most appeal to your folks and strike the cords for them. You’ll get a handful of tips if they’ve beaten you in this race and have told their folks. 

Drop hints instead of dropping the bomb

Start mentioning them in your conversations with your parents, especially when you are talking about the good things. 

Show and tell them that you’re doing well in life

Tell your parents how your bae has positively influenced your life—it could be about how they helped you grow emotionally, gave sound financial advice, or simply got you stepping out of the house more often. Your parents will be assured if they see how your boo's presence perfectly aligns with your goals.

Be respectful to them

Don’t assume your parents will react positively. Give them time to process the information. Be empathetic with them all throughout. Let them know how much this person and the relationship mean to you, they will understand sooner or later. 

Keep it simple, and heartfelt

There’s no need to narrate your entire story. Be earnest when you talk to them and make them feel a part of it. Go to them with enough time in hand; they may have questions. Ask them about how they feel. Spend some time with them after breaking the news—plan a dinner or a movie, maybe, and give them space and time to come back to you. 


Consider who to tell first

There’s always that one parent to whom you’re closer or who is more understanding. Speak to them first. It plays a big role when one of them is on your side. 

Be open to negotiation

Your parents may set a few guidelines and rules for you to follow in your relationship. You should be open to hearing them out and discuss calmly about things you can and can’t accept.

Appreciate their effort

Whatever the outcome, you have to give it to your parents that they took the time to listen to you. Let them know that you understand where they are coming from and that you won’t let them down.

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