What Does Your Plate Say About Your Personality?

Here’s what behaviourial food expert Juliet Boghossian sees in you based on how you eat...

Sep 17, 2018


1. You give equal space to each food.
You’re a pre-planner who doesn’t take on more than you want or can handle. You understand what works for you and your capacity, are very likely to see a project through, and don’t veer away from your goals.

2. You messily slop on different foods with borders overlapping and running into one another.

You’re a free-spirited multi- tasker who takes on everything that comes your way. You are down-to-earth and easy going, and you prioritise your life based on deadlines.

3. You put dinner and dessert on the same plate.

When opportunity knocks, it’s in your nature to take advantage of it! You are quick to commit, which may make you easily susceptible to the could-have, should-have syndrome and buyer’s remorse.

4. You put only one kind of food on your plate.
You are disciplined, methodical, and task-oriented. You are well-balanced and steady in all that you take on, seldom stretching yourself too thin.

5. You stack foods on top of each other.
Your friends know you as the multi-tasking, traditional conformist. You are responsible to a fault and can sometimes be predictable.


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