3 DIY Hair Masks That Will Get Rid of Split Ends Fast

...using products you can find in your kitchen!

Mar 21, 2018

The most effective way to get rid of split ends is cutting your hair. But if cutting your hair is not an option, check out our 3 DIY hair masks that will help get rid of split ends... fast! 

1) Avocado & Olive OilAvocados contain protein and essential fatty acids which are perfect to prevent hair breakage. Mixing the avocado with olive oil will help nourish hair and get rid of split ends fast! 

Here's how to do it:Mix a full avocado with 2 tea spoons of olive oil. Apply the mixture all over hair and leave for 20-30 minutes. Wash and style hair as normal. 

2) Egg Mask & Coconut oil Eggs are packed with protein which will help to get rid of split ends fast by straightening the hair follicles. Coconut oil is an excellent natural hair conditioner! 

Here's how to do it:Mix an egg yolk with a table spoon of coconut oil. Massage into hair, focusing on the ends. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and wash hair as normal.

3) MayonnaiseMayonnaise is great to nourish the hair and prevent any future breakage!

Here's how to do it:Damped hair and massage half cup into your hair. Leave in for 15-20 minutes and wash hair as normal.

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