7 Questions That Will Help You Find Your Career Path

It may be simpler than you think!

Mar 21, 2018

If you are completely confused on which direction to take your career or looking to completely switch careers, these 7 questions may help you figure out what you should be doing. Answer them honestly and you might be surprised to find out the career that is your perfect fit!

​1) What are you most passionate about? It really doesn't get better than working at a job you are truly passionate about!

2) What job titles excite you? Do you read about a specific career and instantly feel like you belong in that world?! Find out which job title gets you super excited!

3) What are your top 5 strengths? Are you creative? Tech savvy? Excellent care taker? What are 5 things you are really, really good at?

4) If you can trade a job with one of your friends, who would it be and why? Who in your squad is giving you #jobenvy

5) If you had all the money in the world, what job would you do? What is the one job you would do, even if you are totally ballin'?

6) How do you envision your future self?Are you running your own business? Penning your first novel? Running your own tech firm?

7) Your friends and family thinks you are good at...? Are all your friends convinced you belong in the fashion industry?

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