This *Crazy* Hot Grandpa Is Going Viral Because, Again, He Is *Crazy* Hot

Your grandma is about to be all *hearts in eyes*

Mar 21, 2018

Oh, my!

Irvin Randle, a hot n' stylish grandfather from Texas, has got the internet re-thinking what a g-pa should look like. The 54-year-old​ exploded when Bossip ran a piece on him, creating his very own viral hashtag:#MrStealYourGrandma.

After looking at a few pictures of Randle, it's not hard to see why this hashtag is very appropriate. Excuse me for being crass, but: ME-OW!

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The Houston Chronicle reports that the handsome pop-pop learned about his photos going viral when his daughter Jessica, who lives in Los Angeles, alerted him to the phenomenon.

"She called and said, 'Dad, you're trending on Twitter.' I told her I'm not on Twitter, and I don't know what trending means," Randle told the Chronicle.

"I was amazed at first. Now, I'm overwhelmed. I appreciate all the great comments," he said.

"I've always dressed like this. I've just been wearing things a little tighter that's all."

Even cuter? He's an elementary school teacher! Be still, my heart!

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Seriously, now I'm wishing I was 50-something because I'd hop on that train so fast. OK, let's just spend the rest of this holiday weekend staring at this fine, fine gentleman:

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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