Here's Why this Humans of Bombay Post, About Working Women in India, is Going Viral Across the World...

This woman raised the one question every working woman around the globe has...

Mar 21, 2018

 When Humans of Bombay recently shared the story of Shalaka Penchal Mestry, who spoke about the struggles a working woman has to face on a daily basis, "I'm thinking about what to cook for dinner once I get home. I've had an exhausting week, working long hours​..," she said, "I wish just once, I could go home and not have work; that someone would cook for me and pamper me."

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Her story has shed light on the double standards still existing in the society, where despite the fact that a man and a woman work the same hours, and do the same amount of work, the man is not expected to take over any domestic duty. "​Why is it that our house work isn't counted as proper 'work'? Men work 8 hours a day in the office and every minute is accounted for but most of us middle class women work those 8 hour shifts and many hours after and before at home...but that's completely undermined. I don't understand why."

Her story resonated with a lot of women, across the country and the globe, and many stepped forward to share their own experiences with this disparity in distribution of domestic duties.

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