Instagram's Latest Update Will Forever Change the Way You Insta Stalk

You've been waiting for this feature forever.

Mar 21, 2018

Instagram totally revamped its search function last year, and soon they might be bringing another change that will majorly upgrade the way you search on the app.

In the past, in order to see who follows you, you'd have to go into your followers tab on your profile and then scroll through until you found the person you're looking for. This is a pretty painful/stressful method of figuring out if someone — like, say, your crush — is following you. Since your followers list is long and not in alphabetical order, you may scroll right by the person you're looking for and then have to scroll through all over again just to learn that your crush is not, in fact, following you. *Ouch*

But with Insta's new update, all you have to do is type their name into the search bar. The new results panel will tell you right away if someone is following you or not.

Photographer Anthony Quintano noticed the major change while he was surfing Instagram recently.


Mashable also reports that the new search function will display users with large follower counts. You'll see which of your friends are following them too. It'll also highlight users who have recently posted a new photo. Basically, you'll be able to see if your crush follows you and know exactly when they post new photos, which is, like, really important.

The new search function is being tested by a lucky few iOS users, but there's no word yet about when the update will roll out for everyone. Here's to hoping it's soon!

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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