Man Posts Photo of Wife's Period Outfit, Gets Destroyed on Imgur


Mar 21, 2018

​You know TFW you've been spewing blood from your vagina for two days, and your ovaries feel like they're releasing hellfire upon your innards, and the last thing you want to incur is any sort of sexual advance from literally any one? Apparently there is a special armor you can wear during those troubling times, and it is called a "don't fucking touch me, I'm on my period"​ outfit. 

A man on Imgur posted a photo of his wife, in what looks like their bathroom, wearing her period outfit and I've gotta say... it's not that far off from what I wear just every day??? Like it just looks like some extra cozy loungewear, but who knows, maybe his wife is a woman among girls who frolics about in lingerie when she's not menstruating, and this is her version of scrubbin' hard. 

This thread is great because apparently other people also have "​don't touch me"​ ensembles, and because the commenters are slaying this poor man for deigning to post his wife's cozy period fashion online. 

My favorite commenter, though, is this guy. Who clearly just gets it.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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