These Women Tried Vintage Period Belts and It Was Unsurprisingly Awful

"I've never been so grateful for tampons in my life."

Mar 21, 2018

​There's no way around it: Periods suck. I know that menstruation is this incredible, monthly reminder that I'm capable of growing a tiny human with my body, but really, it's mostly just a nuisance that always seems to come early when I'm wearing my favorite underwear.

But it's safe to say that the options women have for dealing with periods have come a long way in the past 50 years — and thanks to a recent Buzzfeed video, I've never been more grateful for pads, tampons, menstrual cups, or period panties in my life. 

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In their newest video, the women of Buzzfeed's Ladylike series decided to test out vintage period belts​ in order to prove that people with periods have it way easier these days. Unsurprisingly, the results were absolutely horrifying. 

For starters, a period belt more or less looks like diaper thong — or, as one of the ladies described it, "a jock strap with a little tuft at the end." The general consensus also seemed to be that not only was the belt less-than-aesthetically-pleasing, but it was also pretty damn uncomfortable and seemingly not very effective. 

"I don't like this, but I respect anyone who had to wear this," one woman concludes.

I wholeheartedly agree.

​Follow Gina on Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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