We Dare You Not to Laugh at This Hilarious Friends Blooper

Wish they'd kept this one in.

Mar 21, 2018

Although it's not new, a ​Friends ​blooper is currently doing the rounds online and we thought you all deserved to see it. Mainly because, well, it's hilarious.

The deleted scene, which was from series 7's ​The One With Joey's New Brain​, ​involved Ross telling Chandler and Monica he has a surprise for their wedding: a performance of him playing the bagpipes. After Ross starts playing them, Phoebe begins screeching in unison with the instrument, and the cast descends into uncontrollable giggles.

You can see Jennifer Aniston going first, trying desperately to keep it together as Phoebe starts joining in. Then Matthew Perry loses it, swiftly followed by Courteney Cox, then Lisa Kudrow, and then when David Schwimmer has to actually pull away from the bagpipes because of all his laughter, it's obvious sure the scene's ​not ​going to make the final cut.

[facebook ]https://www.facebook.com/100000026999524/videos/vb.100000026999524/1424067987604087/?type=2&theater[/facebook]​

The scene has had over 3.5 million views on Facebook since it went viral, and has been liked over 120,000 times. So it's safe to say people are loving it. And it's probably because the blooper is such a reminder that the cast all got on so well IRL. Sigh.

BRB, off to watch ​Friend ​reruns for the rest of the day.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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