#SaturdayShortStory: Tara By Nadia B

The Chinar: symbol of charity, firmness of character.

Jun 8, 2018


By nadia b

With the devastation of her heart still choking her, she thought it would be the best for everyone if she left the city for a few weeks. The pain of his death had been too much to bear and she still felt as if she was gasping for breath. The feeling was all the more heightened because things with Neil had been in a free fall and they had both known that this was the beginning of the end. But for the end to come this way, so suddenly had taken the life out of her.

She caught a flight to the northernmost part of the country, a strife ridden but magnificent part. A city they had visited together and she had also wandered through alone. The stunning, natural beauty was at odds with the violence that was inherent. But it was here, by the waters of the lake, that she hoped she would quietly, get some closure and some peace.

Tara chose a hotel and not the charming little villa that she often stayed at. She needed to be alone but she also needed the noise of activity, of other people. She spent her days in her room and when that got too much, she ventured out into the gardens, which at this time of year were surrounded by perfectly formed tulips. She didn't have the energy to venture beyond that.

She was sitting in the garden under a magnificent old tree, sipping the local tea she had come to love, when she heard a commotion. She sighed to herself, a big group of visitors had descended and with that would go the quiet of the last few days. And topmost in her mind was the thought that she hoped none of them would try and talk to her.

The next morning walking down for breakfast, she heard them long before the breakfast room. So she turned back, and ordered room service. But how long could she do that? She hoped they would be out for the day and lunch would be quiet..

It was... but only because lunch today was out in the lawns and the outdoors lent itself to privacy.

Dinner was lovely that evening. The night had a stillness to it, a quiet. Yet there was the constant chatter on all the candle lit tables...a bit like birdsong.. soft and lilting, so different from the chatter one would hear at a restaurant in a city. She sat back and watched the people around her, and wondered about them. She used to be a great people watcher and Neil often used to tease her that she was more interested in watching people than listening to him.

After a few days, she decided to go out onto the lake and wander through the floating flower market. It was just the balm her heart needed and she felt rejuvenated. Instead of returning to the hotel, she ventured further, to a strange café at the end of the lake. Strange as it was literally at the end of the lake, and it sat there, all alone in the midst of stunning, looming trees. There was always activity around this café and it was bathed in the most beautiful fairy lights. Looking at it from afar, it seemed like a different world.

If she had known, that this visit would open up another world to her... who knows.. she may not have ventured so far...

As she walked towards the cafe, she saw an incredibly handsome man standing under a magnificent tree. He was wearing white and was speaking to a group of people who seemed mesmerized. As she passed him, he looked up and she saw he had the kindest eyes that delved into her soul. She wanted to go quietly past and into the café, but something stopped her, and she sat on the nearest chair she could find. She never left…and it was here and with him that she found her bliss. 

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