Watch a Pilot Fake a Scary In-Flight Emergency To Propose to His Girlfriend

Because nothing says "I love you" more than making someone almost crap their pants.

Mar 21, 2018

A pilot, taking inspiration from an older viral proposal video , pulled off a surprise for his girlfriend, when he faked a plane emergency so he could ask her to marry him. My initial reaction to this was  ahhh noo what nooo why oh god I would be dead of a heart attack please never do this to me  but honestly they are so cute and they seem so happy. Plus, that is a freaking Golden Snitch ring case he is using, so clearly he's doing some thing right. 

Watch for when her face goes from "trying to stay calm" to "I'm going kill him for this  later when the camera is off." Good luck, you two! 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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