Here's What Daniel Radcliffe REALLY Keeps on His Nightstand

Actor Daniel Radcliffe’s nightstand is high-key chaotic. The Guns Akimbo star is also ready for ghosts, so there’s that. Oh, and he’s going to show this page to his mom. Hi, Daniel’s mom! 

09 October, 2020
Here's What Daniel Radcliffe REALLY Keeps on His Nightstand

The boy who stared directly into our souls...

My overall nightstand vibe
“Cluttered and overflowing. It’s a mess, and I’d be lying if I said I could navigate it. Thank you for asking me to do this interview, by the way—it has really drawn into focus how urgently I need to get organised.”

What’s in there at all times
“A crystal dagger, which I use to kill ghosts!”


I wouldn’t want my mom to find...
“If I didn’t want her to find it, why would I say it here?! She will definitely read this.”

My snack situation
“If there are any in there, they’re buried deep, and in a very advanced state of decay, so I’m better off never finding them.”


What’s on top
“A light. My keys. And a random pile of change.”

What I steal from my partner’s side
“Her moisturiser.”


How I wake up
“I have two alarms, both labelled in all caps so I’m shouting at myself.”
