Beauty Sleep Is a Real Concept, Says This Research


Sep 6, 2018

Everyone knows the importance of uninterrupted, quality sleep at night. What if we tell you the fountain of youth is on the other side of a slumber?! No kidding! 

A study at Stockholm University, published in the Royal Society Open Science journal states that sleep deprived people look less attractive, less healthy and others are less inclined to socialize with them.

For this study 25 volunteers were photographed after two consecutive nights of quality sleep and then again after they had only four hours of sleep for two night in a row. These photographs were then rated by 122 people on sociability, trustworthiness, attractiveness, health and sleepiness. 

The analysis of this data suggests that restricted sleep affects facial appearance negatively and decreases others' willingness to socialize with the sleep-restricted person.

Now that Science has also given you a reason to get some sound sleep, keep your phone aside and get on this beauty snooze-a-thon!

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