8 Tips to Grow Your Hair Really, Really Long!

#7 would make you feel like a Princess!

Mar 21, 2018

The pixie cut and the cute little bob cut have been trending for ages now! But it's a nightmare when you're finally ready to grow your hair out and go for a different style.

So we're giving you 8 quick and easy tips to grow out your hair faster and more luscious than ever!

1. Make Scissors Your Friend

Ironic, we know. And you're probably already hating the idea of parting with even the tiniest bit of your hair. But damaged hair and split ends will actually break off and make your hair shorter! So, it's always better to trim it.

2. Condition, Condition, Condition!

Oh wait did we mention that you NEED to condition your hair? Shampoo only takes the dirt out of your hair, but conditioner actually restores the vital nutrients and makes it healthy an shiny.

3. Try out hair-boosting supplements

No it's not just a beauty 'fad' that celebrities swear by. It really works! Your hair needs A LOT of protein and minerals to be long and beautiful, most of which is hard to get just from a clean diet. Check in with your doctor to see what kind of hair supplements would suit you and how much. Make go overboard with it.

4. Do not wrap your wet hair in a towel

Yes we all like to pretend like a diva, prancing around in our towel-turban, doing our nails and just acting like we've stepped into a Bollywood film. But, sorry to be a party-pooper, but you need to skip the towel-turban a bit. Your hairline is comparatively weak when it's twisted and turned into a fancy towel up do. So please don't.

5. Do a cold-water rinse

No, no more hot baths or long hot showers. Super hot water weakens your hair, so before you step out of the shower, rinse your hair in cold water – it lays down the outer layer of your hair smoothly. Just put up with the chill for a few seconds, it'll be worth it.

6. Pamper your scalp

Pamper? The one thing that's easy to do! Yes we're telling you to get some scalp massages, or do a mask treatment every week. Massaging your scalp will make sure all that dirt, oil and gunk stored in your hair comes out and gives your hair a chance to grow and be beautiful.

7. Use a satin pillowcase

Now you can finally be that princess you've always wanted to be. It's softer on your hair and won't cause as much friction as a cotton pillowcase does. So every morning you can actually sing, "I woke up like this, FLAWLESS."

8. Stay away from the heating tools

This one is probably going to be the hardest, how are we going to look party-perfect without our straighteners?! It'll be hard and it will take some getting used to. But heat styling can actually 'fry' up your hair and decrease the chances of good growth. If you really want to use them occasionally, Apply heat protectant products to your hair before you impose the heating tools.

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