George Clooney Says His Twins Ignore Him Because He Doesn't Have Breasts

There's a reason Ella and Alexander prefer Amal.

Mar 21, 2018

George Clooney got candid with People about fatherhood in a recent interview, and revealed how bonding with three-month-old twins Ella and Alexander can be challenging. The reason? His biology.

"Right now with my kids, because I have no breasts, I don't exist," Clooney joked during an interview at the Toronto Film Festival. "I pick them up, I give them a bottle, and I hand them back to my wife [Amal], and they're happier."

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The award-winning actor is a first-time parent at 56, but says slowing down just isn't an option. "Yeah, there's no sleep right now, it's all fun," he said. "It's something I never thought I would be doing. All my friends are laughing at me and they think it's funny — I get it. Fair enough, I gave them a hard enough time."

The actor was at the film festival to promote Suburbicon with his co-star Julianne Moore, who couldn't help but tease the new dad about the many years of dress-up that await him.

"Wait til the playing starts – you're going to play for years," Moore said in the People video clip. "Oh, I'll put on the dumb outfit," Clooney responded. "I'll do it."

The actor is not only embracing every bit of raising newborns — he's also not shying away from the more difficult aspects of parenthood that await him in the future.

"Just because you happen to have been born into a sort of lucky situation in many ways, certainly not into poverty and into some place of luxury, you want to make sure they're empathetic and compassionate," he said of raising the twins in a world of privilege. "I think that's going to be a challenge, to constantly remind our kids that being born in one place doesn't give you the right to just ignore everyone else's difficulties."

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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