Okay, So Everyone in the US is Totally in Love With Priyanka Chopra…

The girl is totally #WinningAtLife

Mar 21, 2018

We've been seeing PC through the whole gamut of experiences she's had filming the big-wig ABC show Quantico (think every 'tired from work' selfie to 'team dinner' group shot she uploaded on Instagram. And now, PC's taken over more than the hearts of the home team back here. The US can't get enough of the 33 year-old superstar, and she's blowing up on the American airwaves like no how…

Jimmy Kimmel Live

She totally holds her own on Kimmel, making him laugh several times amidst their repartee (particularly when she talks about how she had dreams of a big white wedding to Tupac Shakur) and, apart from looking fantastic, does India proud by owning it with statements that have a very 'I love my India' feel to them (like "you know Indians, we travel in packs" *replete with puffed-proud chest)

Watch her on Jimmy Kimmel Live here…

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuQjPOWDaw0[/youtube]

Good Morning America

She's pretty cool here, too, and she gets all humble-pie when she's asked how she's basically making history, being the first Indian actor to be the protagonist on an American network show, but she brushes the praise aside gently, saying the reason she's been able to transition so smoothly is because industry forefathers created a great bedrock for her to do it. Aw!

Watch Her on Good Morning America here…

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RR7Tddufkk[/youtube]

Live With Kelly And Michael

She's super-fun, talking abut how she took the subway to get to the show, and talks about growing up in the states and how she got into acting (and how she was supposed to be an engineer, but her destiny changed completely when her mum entered her into the Miss India contest in secret!

Watch her on Live With Kelly And Michael

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRsl1LLv0dw[/youtube]


Even when TMZ, with it's claws-out-scandalous approach, asked her about her sheer-skirt fiasco, and she handled it easy panache…via Skype call! Even their comments about how things are always so 'G-rated' in Bollywood were fielded expertly, and she proceeded to talk endearingly about how she's 100% comfortable being herself. Plus; Her take on how she's had to handle racism while she's been in the States—totally brilliant.

Watch her on TMZ here…

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxrpxTz6ZTQ[/youtube]

We're also pretty sure these are just a numbered few of a hundred other appearances she's going to make post Quantico. More power to you, Alex Parrish! 

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