LOL, Enjoy: Here Are the Worst Astrological Days of 2020

At least they’re in order so you can add ’em to your Google Cal. You’re! Welcome!

By Lisa Stardust
Jan 3, 2020

Yeah, so, 2020 will def interesting year! We have six eclipses, three Mercury Retrogrades, and Venus and Mars Retrogrades. Sounds fun, right?! Welp, between all that flashy astro dramz, there are actually several more dates that will serve us all more intensity and insanity than a Real Housewives reunion. So grab yourself a glass (bucket?) of whatever, breathe, and let’s run through the other *worst* dates of the year. (It’ll be fine—really!)

January 12th: Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn

Big! Capricorn! Energy! This alignment falls right after the lunar eclipse on January 10th and brings drama to the forefront of the year. We may get caught with our hands in the cookie jar, love triangles will implode, and we’ll all want to have the last bitter word.

March 23rd: Mars and Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn

Expect to be obsessed with achieving your goals no matter what—which unfortunately means stepping on the toes of your colleagues and friends. This aspect will cause a rift in relationships. It’s the ultimate boss-up vibe, though, which can be great! And can lead to some of us shedding a tear by the evening.

March 31st: Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius

This wacky energy will make us determined to not only take over the world but also assert our beliefs onto others—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Maybe don’t log on to Twitter, mmkay?

June 13th: Mars and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces

When action planet Mars and foggy Neptune come together, they cancel each other’s energy out. Meaning, they make the other’s cosmic energy moot. In this case, it will force us to stand still and be unable to move in any direction. Expect to feel stuck in all areas of your life.

August 13th, October 9th, and December 23rd: Mars in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn

Well, because Mars turns retrograde in the autumn of 2020, we will have the, ahem, pleasure (*eye roll*) of dealing with this fraught energy three times this year. We may become extremely selfish—like, at the office or in the bedroom.

December 21st: Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius

This transit, known as the Great Conjunction, happens every 19 years. Together, these two planets create a natural ambivalence when in actual action together IRL. It makes us all uncertain of our futures and can create tensions within partnerships.

December 31st: Venus in Sagittarius Conjuncts the South Node

Talk about getting lost in love...! This aspect will make us all feel lovesick and financially unstable, due to Venus linking up with the South Node. We’ll be stuck in the past and probably swooning over an ex—we may even make poor financial decisions and commit to the wrong person.

Stop screaming! Now that you have these dates, you can plan ahead to stay chill and think clearly…or, you know, call in sick to work and rain-check that first date. Stay strong, bb!


Credit: Cosmopolitan

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