Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, Based on Your Sign

By Kerry Ward
Nov 28, 2019

You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!




Power vibes are surging through the ether this week. Whatever ambitions you’ve been nurturing, it’s time to make some moves and manifest your dreams IRL. After all, no one is going to make them happen for you. You’ve got 100 percent accountability here, bb. The Emperor brings you his strong, forthright focus and energy, helping you lean in and make something happen. Put your own interests front and center this week, and go get some.




You’re not usually a ditherer (that’s fancy for wishy-washy type) but you have been procrastinating recently. Make! A! Decision! Like, now. The Two of Wands reveals there are no wrong choices here, except the passive route of not making a choice at all. Knowing that you literally cannot go wrong, how do you feel about your options now? Which one appeals the most? Right, that’s the one then. Go for it.




Wishful thinking has a bad rep. If we renamed it “visualization,” then I think you’d better understand how it can help you this week. The Nine of Cups asks you to aim high, to pursue a dream, make a wish. And the first step is to recognize and describe this wish to yourself, knowing it in intimate, technicolor detail, seeing the outcome. This can come true, what you can dream…you can do, so make a move in its direction this week.




You operate on hyperdrive, like a human Millennium Falcon (ask your local Star Wars–head if you don’t get it) warp-speeding through the Universe, going places but not actually taking in the scenery. Gemmy, take a time-out this week. The Seven of Coins asks you to pause, look around you, take it all in. Ask yourself, Is this where I really want to be? because you’re going to receive an opportunity to change course soon and you should be ready to respond. Take in your surroundings and question how at home and content you truly feel here.




Admit it: You love living in the past. You cling on to people, things, and situations waaay past their sell-by date and I’m here to prod you to let go. The Five of Cups warns that if you continue staring at the past, you’ll miss golden opportunities in the here and now. Turn that gaze! Force your eyes ahead—the future’s bright, ya know.




Home improvements and repairs are on your agenda for the week ahead, Leo. Sprucing your pad, getting it nice and cozy for the festive season. The Nine of Coins brings a nesting instinct into your world, and you seek ways to make your home feel, well, more homey. Are you hosting a Thanksgiving par-tay, perhaps? You are the hostess with the mostest. What’s that? Oh, why, yes, I’d love to join. Thanks for asking, Leo!




Clear some space in that Google cal, Virgo: Cupid is paying you a visit this week, with the romantic Ace of Cups, bringing the love train into your station. All aboard? Why not! We all love to be loved and you’re no exception. In fact, whoever they are, they’ll be surprised to discover that such a passionate heart beats beneath your glacial exterior. Go warm someone up.




You don’t like falling out with people, but sometimes, oh my, the sheer AGGRAVATION and they just need to hear how it is! The Queen of Swords will help you articulate yourself clearly and rationally without things boiling over. Yes, this might lead to some tension or even a (temporary) split in a friendship or relationship. However, it’s for the best. Things can’t go on as they have been. You’ve got to speak your mind.




Whatever situation or relationship you’ve been looking at with distrust or even contempt recently…know that it’s going to come to a head very soon and most likely collapse. The Tower is the Universe’s wrecking ball, coming along to knock over the things in our life that are not stable or trustworthy or beneficial. Let it do its work. Survey the rubble and set to rebuilding a much better foundation.




Sag, I know (and you know) that you are the zodiac’s biggest flirt. It just comes naturally to you, and you’re a pro at getting people to fall for your charms. However, this can lead you into, ahem, hot water sometimes, can’t it? The Lovers warns of not mixing business with pleasure, of not reaching for the forbidden fruits, of treating people as you’d wish to be treated. In short: Behave yourself!




Security, comfort, and luxury are your ambitions in life: the enviable house, the loving fam, the healthy bank account. Well, things are looking good on all those fronts rn, Cap. The Ten of Coins is a nod from the Universe that you’re on the right track and to go full steam ahead. So be bolder about your plans and pursue those material dreams.




If you keep on doing the same things, you’re going to get the same results, amirite? Aquarius, you’re a rational character and you understand the logic here. The Eight of Swords asks you to apply this theory to your own life and recognize an area where a repeat pattern is keeping you stuck. Identify the behavior and seek to radically change it this week. You’ll be amazed and pleased at the results.




Dual forces are always at play in your world, Pisces. Should you stay or go, should you try harder or give up, should you sink or swim....The Nine of Wands is like a cheerleader in your corner this week, urging you to keep trying on something you’re ready to walk away from. You don’t realize how very close to success you are. A few more pushes and you’ll have conquered the issues and be on your way to the rewards. Don’t give up.



Credit: Cosmopolitan

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