7 Exercises to Make You Look Like an International Model

Can't hurt to try!

Mar 21, 2018

Victoria's Secret models don't just wake up ready for the runway. In the weeks leading up to the show, they do multiple workouts per day to burn fat and sculpt long, lean muscles. For similar results, try the moves below, designed by VS model trainer Mary Helen Bowers, a former New York City Ballet ballerina and creator of Ballet Beautiful, a fitness technique based on the small, graceful movements that whip ballet dancers into shape. Do up to three sets of 10 reps of each exercise before you move on to the next one. Repeat the workout up to four times per week in addition to daily cardio to get a taste of what it's like to train like VS model Romee Strijd, who demonstrates each move:

1. Single-Leg Bridge: Lie on your back with your arms along your sides and your palms on the floor. Point your left toes and bend the left knee to place your toes on the ground about a foot in front of your butt. Lift your right leg straight up and point your right toes. Keeping your hips square to the ground, press into the ground with your arms and engage your left glutes to lift your hips a few inches off the ground. From this position, drive your right leg and hips straight up toward the ceiling until your left knee, hips, and shoulders create a straight line. Lower your hips and elevated leg a few inches, and come back up to complete one rep. Complete all your sets, then switch legs and repeat the same number of reps.

Where you'll feel it: Your butt, hamstrings, quads, and calves.

2. Outer Thigh Extensions: Lie on your left side with your left elbow under your left shoulder and your left palm on the floor in front of your body for support. Bend your left knee to bring your left foot behind you. Then extend your right leg and point your right toes as you bring your right arm straight up overhead. From this position, engage your obliques and outer thigh as you bring your right knee to meet your right elbow directly above your right hip. Fully extend your arm and leg to complete one rep. Complete all your sets, then switch sides and repeat the same number of reps.

Where you'll feel it: Your abs, obliques, outer thighs, and upper back.

3. Abs With Port de Bras: Sit on your butt with both legs together and knees slightly bent so you can place the soles of your feet on the ground. Bring both arms straight up overhead with your palms facing down and your elbows soft. Keeping your shoulders away from your ears, engage your core as you lean back about 45 degrees and gracefully sweep your left arm down and behind you. Bring the arm back to starting position as you sit up straight, then repeat on the opposite side. That's one rep. Continue alternating.

Where you'll feel it: Your abs, obliques, hamstrings, arms, and back.

4. Sweeping Lunges: Stand on your right foot with your right toes pointed outward about 45 degrees and your right knee soft. Bring your left leg straight out behind you, then point your left toes and place them gently on the ground. Put your right hand on your hip and extend your left arm straight up overhead. From this position, bend your right knee as you lift your left toes off the ground and step them backward as you lower into a lunge. At the same time, bend forward from the waist and touch your left fingertips to the floor to the left of your right foot. Then press into your right heel as you lift your chest and return to the starting position. That's one rep. Complete all your sets, then repeat on the opposite side.

Where you'll feel it: Your thighs, glutes, arms, and back.

5. Single Leg Plié With Toe Touch: Stand on your right foot with your right toes pointed outward about 45 degrees and your right knee slightly bent. Bring your left leg straight out behind you, then point your left toes and place them gently on the ground. Bring your fingertips together and lift your arms up to chest-height with your elbows soft and out to the sides. Keeping your shoulders stacked over your hips, engage your core and glutes as you press into your right heel to raise your body straight up, and lift your left toes off the ground. Bend the right knee to touch the left toes back down to the ground. That's one rep.

Where you'll feel it: Your inner thighs, core, glutes, and arms.

6. Angel Arms: Stand up straight with your heels together, your toes pointed slightly outward, and your hands at your sides with your palms facing your body. (For an extra challenge, hold a 1-pound weight in each hand or strap a 1-pound weight onto each wrist.) Keeping your elbows and wrists soft, gracefully lift both arms straight out to the sides until your hands are higher than your head. Next, open your palms out to the sides as you gracefully bring both arms back down to starting position. That's one rep.

Where you'll feel it: Your shoulders and arms.

7. Grand Plié in Second Position: Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulders-width apart and your toes pointed outward about 45 degrees. Press together your thumbs and middle fingers on both hands. Then lift your arms up to chest-height with your elbows soft and out to the sides, and your palms facing your body. Keeping your shoulders stacked over your hips and your heels on the ground, bend your knees to lower your body straight down toward the floor. Press up through your heels to come back up to stand. That's one rep.

Where you'll feel it: Your inner thighs and hamstrings.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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