3 Guys Tried Out Typical Beauty Routines, Literally Couldn't Stand the Pain

Oh the LOLs.

Mar 21, 2018

Guys may think they can withstand any type of pain bc they're all manly and stuff, but it seems undergoing a few day-to-day beauty treatments can end up being just "a little too much." Oh dear. 

BuzzFeed India sent three guys down to a salon to undergo a few fairly typical (but somewhat uncomfortable) beauty treatments. They had to wax their legs and arms, they had their brow's threaded, and then finished with a mani and a pedi. No biggie, right? Wrong. Their reactions are seriously LOL, and thankfully the whole thing was caught on camera. 

The video begins with the guys seeming fairly confident, one even claiming guys have an "inherently high pain tolerance". This bravado did not last long.

He compared the experience of waxing to that of a chicken being plucked, while his friend seemed shocked that the beauty therapist could be inflicting so much pain upon him, saying "this lady looks so nice, but she's straight up savage!"​

Wow, who knew a trip to the salon could be so intense. Watch the video below and be proud that you handle this stuff like a girl. 



Credit: Cosmopolitan

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