This Awesome Company is Going to Offer Its Female Staff 'Period Leave'

Goes some way to making up for those 59 days women work on average for free every year.

Mar 21, 2018

Showing themselves to be something of a frontrunner in gender equality, a Bristol-based company is introducing a 'Period Policy' which will allow female employees ​extra time off if they're feeling crappy during their time of the month.

And we're obviously ALL FOR IT, because a legit day off once a month to lie on the sofa with a hot water bottle and binge-Netflix your way through the cramps sounds absolutely ideal for us.

Coexist, the predominantly female social enterprise company who is the first to introduce such a policy for their employees, believe a combination of encouraging female workers who are suffering on their periods to go home - along with adjusting workloads according to their menstrual cycle - will positively impact the way their business functions.

They're also hoping to establish an environment where talking openly about menstruation is welcomed. And we think they might be on to something. 

But, as with everything, we can see why the new policy might also come up against some criticism. It's not unimaginable that some might view the new plans as slightly patronising - 'oh, you go home love and look after yourself if you're not feeling up to the job' - but we can't say we agree. 

It's not like the new rules would be enforced for all women - and those who don't suffer badly from period pain and cramps obviously wouldn't have to take any time out of their working life.

But what's important is that it gives those that do the option to go home, rest, and feel better.

The Period Policy comes into force on March 15th, and is based upon the ideology that women can perform up to three times better in the days following their period, while the days they're actually menstruating can cause a dip in productivity. And Coexist's CEO, Bex Baxter, is certain it'll have a positive impact.

"I have managed many female members of staff over the years and I have seen women at work who are bent over double because of the pain caused by their periods," she told The Bristol Post.

"Despite this, they feel they cannot go home because they do not class themselves as unwell. And this is unfair."

So here's hoping it does actually make a difference, and that Coexist might have started a practice that other businesses see as worth following.​

Follow Cat on Twitter.​

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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