Everyone Loves How Bored the Queen Looks During Her Own Birthday Celebrations

TBF, at 90 the whole birthday thing probably just feels a bit 'done'.

Mar 21, 2018

​This weekend saw a (literally) royal knees up, as the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations ensued with performances from the likes of Katherine Jenkins and Kylie Minogue.

You'd think anyone would be chuffed to have Kylie Minogue prancing around on stage at their very own birthday party; but not the Queen. She actually looked really quite bored by the whole thing, and it entertained Twitter no end.

In fairness, if you'd had 90 years worth of birthdays (that's the 90 basic ones plus 63 extra ones for every year she's been on the throne - because don't forget the monarch gets to have two birthdays) you'd probably find them dull as, too.

There's only so many clown entertainers, birthday cakes and candles that can excite a woman, you know?

So despite all the fun things and celebrity performances that were put on for Queen Elizabeth, it was her facial expressions that stole the show. So much so, that hundreds of Twitter users took to the social network to share the lols.

[twitter ]https://twitter.com/LaurenCrane21/status/731950038004420608[/twitter]​

[twitter ]https://twitter.com/TVKev/status/731949716167069696[/twitter]​

[twitter ]https://twitter.com/Sammie1970/status/731953726676701185[/twitter]

[twitter ]https://twitter.com/oliviatromansx/status/731968541847633920[/twitter]

[twitter ]https://twitter.com/Alasdair1701/status/731950817507454981[/twitter]

[twitter ]https://twitter.com/67coybig/status/731952675282141184[/twitter]

There was ​one ​point during the show, which was aired on ITV, where our Queenie looked a bit perkier: when the horses were brought out. But that high point was short-lived and she soon went back to her more morose-looking facial expressions.

She's a 90-year-old woman, she's not got time for this shit.

Follow Cat on Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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