This Grandma, Mom, and Daughter Say They Get Mistaken for Sisters, But…

We can all be beautiful butterflies who don't look exactly alike, you know.

Mar 21, 2018

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Earlier this year, a flawless woman and her gorgeous twin daughters went viral for being indistinguishable from one another. Another mom-daughter pair soon after declared they too looked like siblings and the Internet hated it. What do you think happened when the above grandma, mom, and daughter told world they're often mistaken for siblings? Put on your seat belts!

Gwen Slade, 65, Jemima Slade, 44, and Lily Slade, 16, told The Sun , "We get mistaken for sisters" constantly because they are all blonde, size 8, and share each other's clothes. Jemima added: "We're constantly competing for who can wear a dress the best and shock many people with the fact we can all wear the same outfit and look amazing.​"

That may all be true, but the good people of the webz are here to burst their bubbles:

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Let's leave it at that. 

Follow Tess on Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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