Jaipur Lit Fest is Now a University Course...

Sign us up for Stephen Fry 101

Mar 21, 2018

If you're a die-hard JLF junkie, you'll love the idea of this one. The lit fest of mammoth proportions is now a course you can study (albeit for two credits only) at The Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities (JSLH). 

Launched this year (and currently being taught at JLF) the course is a 10 day experience at JLF itself, with follow-up classes taken at the Sonipat campus. The professor taking the course, Professor C Raj Kumar, said, "We are deeply committed to innovation and transformation in higher education and initiatives like these are a physical manifestation of that vision. I hope that this year's festival and this innovative course will be an experience of a lifetime for our students."

The students also get an #insta​internship at JLF for being a part of the course (a pretty killer time to be doing it, what with Stephen Fry and Margaret Atwood in the ranks. Also, can anyone say 'going down in history'? 

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