What Eating Your Placenta Really Tastes Like, According to 15 Moms

"The taste was sort of like blood or pennies. Really iron-y. After a while I got used to it."

Mar 21, 2018

Placenta eating is totally a thing. And while there's no scientific evidence that eating your placenta after giving birth really does anything, some moms who've done it claim it helps with postpartum healing, mood swings, and breastfeeding. Most women who choose to consume their placentas ingest it via encapsulation (it's powdered and made into a pill), which all but eliminates the taste factor, but some of the more adventurous among them choose to go the more straightforward approach. Here's what they have to say about their experiences.

1. "I ate my placenta raw in multiple smoothies. Texturally, it wasn't any different than any other icy smoothie you would get at like a Jamba Juice. The only taste difference I had was in one of them where I added a few extra pieces of placenta, it had more of an iron taste. Otherwise I could taste no difference. Just tasted like a delicious fruit smoothie." —Crysta, 30

2. "I actually had my placenta encapsulated, which in theory means that I shouldn't have had to taste it. Unfortunately, I have an intense phobia of choking and subsequently of swallowing pills. So every time I took one of my placenta pills, I had to open up the capsule and sprinkle the dehydrated placenta powder into food and eat it. I ate placenta in yogurt, ice cream, applesauce and even mashed potatoes. I'll admit that the taste was a little gag-inducing at first, but I think that was mostly because I knew what I was ingesting. The taste was sort of like blood ... or pennies. Really iron-y. After a while, I got used to it." —Lauren, 31

3. "Let me start off by saying that I don't even eat meat, but my hubby cut a piece of the placenta and blended it into a strawberry smoothie, and I couldn't taste a thing. Did the same thing for both my kids' (home) births. If you delay cord clamping, the placenta is not as juicy; there is no blood or any other taste that comes through. I figured I had nothing to lose and it seriously is no big deal if you blend it up with something delicious; otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do it." —Dominka, 32

4. "I had a wonderful midwife team who prepared the placenta by cutting it into small, mini pill-sized bites, and freezing the small pieces in the freezer. There was no smell, but I found they defrosted very quickly, so there was no waiting when I took them out of the freezer. I had the same idea about taking the placenta as taking a shot of tequila. I would place it in the back of my throat and swallow it whole, with a very flavorful soda or juice as a chaser. I swallowed about six to 12 bites per day with this method. If I had to report on the taste, I would say it was very slightly metallic to no taste at all. I found that the idea of the placenta was far more repugnant that actually taking the placenta. Given that I've swallowed semen, it really isn't a far stretch to warm to the idea of eating my placenta." —Vanessa, 34

5. "I put my placentas in smoothies. With a lot of frozen strawberries and orange juice, you don't even notice the placenta. My experience was that if I skimped on those things, the strong iron taste came through. Generally, though, I never even noticed the taste unless I was really trying to detect it." —Julie, 35

6. "I ate my placenta raw. I did it because of the nutrient and hormone content. I decided to eat part raw and have the rest encapsulated. To eat it raw, I had a friend cut it up into 1-centimeter-size pieces and freeze it. I cut it in to a smaller piece from there and swallowed it like a pill. The taste wasn't strong, slightly metallic. It tastes like blood or raw meat. My method is easy on the taste buds." —Alison, 37

7. "My first placenta was prepared for me by my wonderful friend and midwife after having a C-section. She made it by cutting it up in bits, and fried it with carrots, broccoli, lentils, and topped with fresh avocado. It was metallic and mealy in flavor/texture. She soaked it in Bragg's aminos which made it tolerable. Every time I would have some, I would be absolutely overcome with a love bubble. Lots of gushing tears would wash over me. By the time I finished it, I felt on top of the world and even though my birth may have been traumatic, I was able to process it in days rather than months/years. After the benefits of the first go round, I was going to do it again. I couldn't find anyone to cook it and I knew I was going to want to stay in bed, so my doula stepped up to blend it. I went heavy on the raspberries to cover any weird texture with the seeds. I couldn't taste any weirdness." —Baylie, 28

8. "I ate pieces of my placenta in a smoothie immediately post birth (at home) with my first and second babies, and I couldn't taste it at all, and have no idea if it did or didn't do anything, but I had great outcomes both times, and milk came in fast and flowing. With my second, we froze the rest in chunks and I would make a smoothie with them here or there if I was feeling extra depleted or moody — again, I couldn't taste anything and don't know if it helped or not, but a nice placebo effect if nothing else!" —Cassandra, 26

9. "When I had my first baby, I suffered from severe postpartum depression. Then I heard about placental consumption to help prevent PPD and was willing to try it with my fourth baby — anything to feel better. I was given a raw smoothie after birth with strawberries, honey, and Greek yogurt. There was no difference in it compared to a regular smoothie other than it helped my recovery incredibly and uplifted my spirits." —Kiera, 31

10. "I ate my placenta with both of my births. The first time around, I had an amazing friend prepare it for me, and she even brought me a smoothie with it in it to the hospital hours after the birth. The second time around, I prepared it myself! What a sight, a still-big belly pulling apart a placenta a day after giving birth. When you add enough delicious things in a smoothie, the placenta has zero taste, especially when frozen. So thankfully, I cannot tell you exactly how it tastes. I had smoothies every day for about three weeks after each birth, and I swear I had a great postpartum each time because of it." —Adrianne, 29

11. "I just remembered that one of the apprentice midwives made a smoothie to help curb bleeding and threw a piece of placenta in! My husband had some too. It was delicious and I couldn't taste a bit of anything bloody and I was ready to take on the world. I just remember thinking it was the coolest." —Kacie, 31

12. "I consumed the entire placenta from two of my kids births via frozen chunks in smoothies over the course of one month following the births. When you go full force, the taste can be a little funky, but if you pace yourself, it's easy to get it down undetected. Energizing, balancing, and pretty much makes you feel like a badass." —Rebecca, 29

13. "After my second baby, I had half encapsulated, and the other half cut into cubes and frozen to be put in smoothies. I spent the first several days in bed and my husband would make the placenta smoothies, and I never once noticed an off taste (he taste-tested to make sure — that's love folks)."  —Allie, 32

14. "After giving birth to my twins at home, I ate my placenta. My friend and neighbor at the time was a chef. He cooked it liver and onions-style with lots of fresh garlic and brown rice. It was delicious! I had been a vegetarian or vegan for 13 years before eating my placenta. I felt amazing and full of energy even after losing a good amount of blood." —Erin, 36

15. "After giving birth to my second, my mom cut the placenta in the hospital, added it in a blender with strawberries, blueberries, juice, and ice, and BAM! Freshly made two minutes after delivery and my placenta smoothie was the best-tasting smoothie of my life. Shortly after, my in-laws came to ooh and ahh over their new grandson, and my father-in-law said, 'Wow! Now that's quick room service!' I then told him I was drinking my placenta and he about died. I drank the whole glass and felt amazing after. I felt like I healed faster, was more emotionally balanced, and my milk came in quicker. I can't prove that it was the placenta smoothie or just second-time mom happiness, but it was hands-down delicious." —Tiffany, 28​

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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