What Having a C-Section Really Feels Like, According to 18 Moms

Have you ever felt tugging on your insides?

Mar 21, 2018

​No matter how a baby comes into this world, the whole thing is a crazy ride. Pushing a baby out of your nether regions, or having one physically (and sometimes rather forcefully) removed from your body is a pretty insane, nearly-out-of-­body experience for many women. Cosmopolitan.com asked moms what giving birth really felt like a while back, and now 20 C-­section moms are here to talk about what their birth experiences were like too.

1. "I only had about 15 minutes to prepare for my emergency C-­section, so I was a bit apprehensive, to say the very least. The actual surgery was so much more aggressive than I ever imagined. Though I felt very minimal pain, I can't really explain the intense amount of pressure and overall discomfort that comes from being sliced open and having a human pulled from your body. (Real talk!) What's also trippy is not being able to see any of it happen. One minute you're pregnant, then a sheet goes up, a baby comes out, and suddenly you're a parent. Craziest magic act ever." ­ —Shawnna, 30

2. "I had to have an emergency C-­section and it happened so quickly that it took me a few minutes to realize the babies were out. I was shaking uncontrollably and felt like I was being jerked around as they tugged on me in order to quickly pull the babies out (I had twins). The incision was so painful for the next few days and has been numb ever since." ­ —Megan, 31

3. "It actually felt pretty painless after 13 hours of pushing. The oxygen went over my mouth and let me breathe while I laid back waiting to see my beautiful daughter. Her dad was able to have special time with her while the doctors finished taking care if me." ­ —Israel, 31

4. "My first pregnancy resulted in a C-­section, and it was an unexpected turn of events. It is a helpless feeling laying flat on your back, unable to move the bottom half of your body, while also being wide awake. They put up a curtain, but you know you're being gutted like a fish behind it." ­ —Lisa, 36

5. "Giving birth via C-section is very jarring, as I imagine most ways of giving birth are in some way. You feel completely helpless and a little bit like your insides are a big rubber tire being yanked around. My husband peeked over the curtain, got winked at by a nurse, and excitedly exclaimed 'I saw your guts!' My daughter was immediately handed over to me and instantly the visible, rubber guts were completely forgotten about." ­ —Vanessa, 30

6. "I couldn't feel anything, but I could feel the sensation of pulling and tugging. The pressure was intense, especially the second time. My spinal was so strong I spent the day throwing up, but it was worth it." ­ —Audrey, 32

7. "Mentally, a C-­section felt like I had failed and was not up for the task of birthing my child. In retrospect, I am very grateful that my midwife talked us into the C-­section because I am not confident that my baby and I would have survived otherwise. It was terrifying to anticipate, and the pain of the spinal block was pretty intense. Then it was like you didn't feel anything, except extreme pressure as they removed the baby. My baby was enormous, though, so it might not be as extreme for all moms." ­ Cassidy, 32

8. "Physically: pulling, tugging without pain (until the anesthetics wore off at the end of exploratory searching for tears in my bladder). Also, nausea as a reaction to the meds. ­Throwing up on your back while your arms are strapped down is not a pleasant experience. Emotionally: like someone opened up my gut, literally. I was so devastated that my all­-natural birthing dreams were out the window after 32 hours of no progress." ­ —Brie, 32

9. "When I had a C-section I expected to feel doped up. Instead I was completely aware and numb up to one shoulder. The sensation of tug of war was strong while they manipulate your organs and start to pull the baby out. Because I couldn't lift my arm I only got a glance at baby. The best feeling was the warm blanket at the end of the procedure before I passed out from exhaustion." ­ —Rebekah, 34

10. "It feels like you have no control of your body from the ribs down, but you feel lots of pressure and tugging. You want to move your legs but you can't. The worst part is after the baby is out and you are just laying there helpless while the doctors literally put your insides back together before stitching you up." ­ —Jennifer, 31

11. "I was seriously unprepared for a Cesarean and did not realize that I wouldn't be able to feel anything. Either from being (irrationally) terrified or from the epidural, my arms were uncontrollably flapping like a fish on dry land. The incision felt like a hot tickle, and then when they started to push my son out I could feel so much pressure just below my ribs I was pretty certain there was a nurse putting their full body weight on my belly.­ Turns out that is basically what happens!" ­ —Amelia, 24

12. "Having a C-section was horrifying for me. I was more nauseous than I've ever been. Trying to throw up while lying flat on your back is terrifying and I felt like I was going to choke. I was also very cold and shaky. Once my son was pulled out and I heard him cry though everything was somehow better." ­ —Carol 32

13. "I was lucky enough to have a planned C-section. We showed up at 6 a.m., and I was in the OR by 7:15. After the spinal block was done, and you're lying on your back, your husband can come in. Before you know it they're telling you to be prepared for some pressure (and by pressure they mean jumping on your ribs... only pain of my delivery) Then at 8:04 a.m. our little girl was born!" ­—Mandi, 30

14. "Such a strange experience. I could feel my body being tugged and pulled on, yet my body was numb. After 48 hours of natural labor, birth was finally happening but I was no longer an active participant." ­ —Brianna, 30

15. "My daughter's heart rate dropped supper suddenly, resulting in an emergency C-section. I remember feeling them tugging and pulling from the inside, and my body shaking up and down. It was the weirdest thing that I felt them tugging from the inside, and that I wasn't in any pain at all. In fact, the entire thing was pretty painless until I got into the recovery room. My neck hurt so bad from laying in the same position for so long that I couldn't even focus on the fact that I had just given birth. Even though I was still so out of it from all of the drugs they gave me, I'll never forget that neck pain. So worth it though." ­ —Katie, 25

16. "My C-section was my first (and only) surgery and it came after two days of labor, so it was a little scary. They warned me that I would feel like I wasn't breathing (due to the anesthesia), but not to panic because I was my brain just wasn't registering it. Of course, I panicked, begged my husband to keep talking to me, and then I felt a giant pressure inside my body­ like a push and pull combined, and then whooosh, relief. A second later, I heard her cry and kinda forgot that I was cut open on the table. It's the most surreal, scary and amazing experience." ­ —Yolanda, 37

17. "A C-section feels like your insides are being ripped open, you can feel the pressure as they cut you and pull baby out. Your body starts to shake so much from the medication, but the doctors don't want to put you out so you can experience first time seeing baby. Then you sit there while they place all your parts back in carefully. The hardest part of a C-­section is the following day and months when the pain meds are gone and you still feel numbness. I've had two C-sections and both times my numbness from my scar has lasted over a year." ­— Jessica, 39

18. "I was not mentally prepared for my emergency C-­section. When the doctor made a small cut then began ripping (yes, ­­I meant to say ripping) open my stomach to get out my baby boy, I thought there is no way this is real life. Apparently doing it that way promotes healing, but it still really freaked me out!" ­ —Emily, 25

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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