13 Penis Problems He Secretly Worries About

'Cos guys have these worries too, y'know

Mar 21, 2018

Alright alright, so we'll hold our hands up and say that we do tend to focus on women's bodies - but we also know that guys have just as many worries about their bodies as girls do.

The chances are that, if you're a dude, you've had a few worries over the years about the way things work down there. Is it alright to be a bit wonky? How come it does that thing when you're weeing? WHY WON'T IT DO WHAT YOU WANT IT TO DO?

Well you can stop right now with all the stressing, 'cos we're here to talk about all the things guys think are weird, that definitely aren't weird at all.

1. It drips a bit

Oooh nice. Just like a hose spills a few drops when it's been turned off, his own personal hose probably does the same thing. The sphincter muscle that pinches the urethra closed is about 8 inches from the tip of the penis, so a bit of pee is always trapped in front of it. A press behind his scrotum can help him avoid dotting his trousers if he's bothered, or he can use a technique called urethral milking. Simply run a finger along the underside of the penis to force out what's left, and it can reduce post-wee dribble by nearly 30%. YAY.

2. There's a slight twist going on

SCIENCE TIME. A body is made from two halves stuck together (the seam inside your mouth and under the scrotum are proof), and the two sides develop at slightly different rates when you're in the womb. The one left over tell-tale sign, is a slight twist in the penis aka penile torsion, and almost 100% of guys have it - meaning they've got absolutely nothing to worry about. Fun fact: Penises always twist counter-clockwise and no one knows why. So there you go.

3. It leaks slightly during foreplay

Yep, also totally normal. When he's aroused, the Cowper's glands (located at the base of his penis) produce a liquid that lubricates and de-acidifies the urethra so semen can blast its way through and do its thang. The longer he stays erect for, the more of this 'preejaculate' stuff the body makes. FYI, it also contains sperm, which is why the pull-out method of contraception is pretty much the worst idea ever. Duh.

4. He can't do a wee in public

Better known as stage fright, up to one in 10 men suffer from it (the fancy name is paruresis). Girls get it too, 'cos when you're nervous, the muscles that control urination involuntarily tighten and kinda kill your flow. Finding a stall and doing the job behind a locked door is usually easier as there's more privacy, but if there's none available, take a deep breath and contract the pelvic muscles, then relax and exhale. That trickle should come in no time.

5. When he does pee, it goes in the wrong direction

Aiming straight but pissing left? He's not alone. Thanks to the teeny tiny opening at the tip of the penis, urine spirals out of the urethra SUPER FAST, and if there's dried mucus, ejaculate, or any other irregularity on there, it can make the stream go off course. It's most likely to happen in the morning or after sex, but if this happens often or mega dramatically, it might be worth him seeing a urologist to check his urethra is alright.

6. Erm, it's various shades of pink/blue/purple

Oooh a rainbow. The skin on the head of the penis is thinner than the rest, so it's totally normal for it to change colour in response to the amount of blood flowing to it. For example, a Caucasian guy will probably have a red penis when he's aroused 'cos there's more blood going to it, and a purpley one when he's not aroused 'cos there's less. Having said that, BRIGHT red is not a good sign - particularly if it's also itchy or painful - so he might wanna get that checked out for infection or allergy.

7. It gets hard for literally no reason WTF

Not ideal, but unwanted erections will often occur when he becomes sexually aroused subconsciously, so there ain't much he can do about it. For example, if he smells someone wearing the same scent as his significant other, things might happen. Vibrations can also spur erections, so that explains the bus. All he can do is wait it out. Guys should never force an erection down as that can cause penile fractures (agh), and surprise erections are pretty rare after the age of around 30, so he doesn't have to wait too long 'til it's a thing of the past.

8. There's a curve going on when he has an erection

Hardly ANY guys have a 100% kink-free, one direction, super straight kinda equipment. Some degree of curvature — even a complete banana curve — is normal, especially if it's always been that way. However, if his curve is severe or if it means that sex is painful, he could be among the 2% of men who have Peyronie's disease. It's caused by tiny patches of scar tissue which come about through erection-bending moments like missed thrusts or keeping a boner down, and even one traumatic injury can cause it. The scar tissue doesn't expand and instead stays tight, which is what causes the curve. A urologist can prescribe drugs or surgery to straighten things out a bit if it bothers him.

9. It refuses to co-operate when he's been drinking

What the kids call whisky dick. Basically, too much alcohol can make it much harder for him to get an erection, keep an erection, or ejaculate. If you want to get scientific, it's most likely because alcohol acts as a depressant that dulls your senses - and yep, that includes the penile senses).

10. He's spotted some blood in his semen

This one's pretty likely to make him freak out because doctors always say that blood is never a good sign, but most of the time, blood in semen has a benign cause. It's called hematospermia or hemospermia, and could be a one-time thing or a persistent problem. It will usually go away on it's own, but if it doesn't then he should definitely get it checked out by a doctor in case of inflammation or infection, stones in the ejaculatory ducts, or a whole list of other medical things.

11. He ejaculates too quickly

Premature ejaculation (PE) is usually defined as having an orgasm within one minute of penetration, and then feeling distressed, annoyed or anxious about it afterwards. There's nothing biologically wrong with people with PE and there's often a psychological element to it, but there is loads of options for treatment if it's affecting his mental health. Counselling, medications and desensitising sprays or wipes are all available, but only worry about it if it's really bothering him. It's no biggie if not.

12. Things down thurrr are itchy

Obviously the odd itchy moment is completely normal (especially if he trims/shaves/waxes around there - amiright ladies), but if it's more persistent then there could be an issue. Tinia Cruris is a fungal infection on the groin or genitals that can be caused by heat, sweat, and skin rubbing together, so wearing breathable fabrics and loose clothing can help. Make sure to also wash and dry genitals properly to prevent it, but if it's already raging then there are anti-fungal creams that can help, either over the counter or prescription. Yeast infections are also a possibility, so if he (or you) has a reddish rash or any itching or burning, check it out with a doctor.

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13. There's some weird bumpy things

If he's shaving or waxing his pubes then they could just be ingrown hairs which are easy to get rid of, but genital warts, syphilis and genital herpes are also potential answers which NEED to be treated properly before he goes getting cosy with you (or anyone else). It's also worth mentioning however that LOADS of guys have little bumps on the skin, some of which are like little hair follicles where no hair is actually there, and some are actually tiny sebaceous cysts. The chances are he probably doesn't need to worry, but better to be safe than sorry.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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