Your Most Embarrassing Period Questions — Answered!

We asked, so you don't have to.

21 March, 2018
Your Most Embarrassing Period Questions — Answered!

​Obviously periods are a normal part of life and nothing to be embarrassed about. After all, half the population deals with pretty much the same exact thing at some point. But we totally get that there are certain questions you may feel awkward talking about, even with your bestie or your doctor —so we asked two obgyns to tackle your worries.

How much blood is too much blood?

If you have a heavy flow, it may feel like you're losing half your blood supply, but it's probably more like four to 12 teaspoons per cycle. No need to break out the measuring spoons — if you're changing your pad or tampon every few hours, and your period only lasts a few days, you're probably somewhere in that zone. "It really comes down to whether it interferes with your daily activity," says Sarah Yamaguchi, OB/GYN at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. If you're soaking through a pad or tampon every hour, or you still have a moderate flow after seven days or more, give your doctor a call.

Why is the blood brown sometimes?

The hue depends on how heavy your flow is. "It can take time for the blood to pass out of the uterus, through the cervix, and out the vagina," Dr. Yamaguchi says. "Red blood is fresher, but as time passes, it will turn a darker color." So as you get into your slower-flow days, your blood is more likely to be brownish.

Why do I have to poop so often when I have my period?

As if cramps don't suck enough, it's not unusual to deal with diarrhea during that time of the month. "Gastrointestinal havoc is common during your menstrual cycle," says Sherry Ross, MD, an OB/GYN and Women's Health Expert at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. The reason? Prostaglandins — the same chemicals that trigger cramps — can also cause your intestines to contract, giving you that gotta-go-now feeling.

If my flow is light, can I just wear a super tampon all day so I don't have to deal with changing it?

Nope. "Even if you have a light day and less blood flow, you still need to change your tampon every four to eight hours," Dr. Ross says. Leaving your tampon in too long, or using a higher absorbency than you really need, can increase your risk for toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a rare but life-threatening condition caused by bacterial infection. Doctors think it's because super-absorbent tampons, when they're still mostly dry, can cause tiny tears in the skin inside your vagina when removed, making it easier for bacteria to get into your bloodstream.

Is it humanly possible to change a menstrual cup in a public bathroom without making a bloody mess?

Menstrual cups are getting more popular, but they definitely require a hands-on approach, which can be tricky in a public bathroom stall. The key is to plan ahead and pack supplies: "You can carry some baby wipes in your purse and use them to clean it," Dr. Yamaguchi says. "Or you can carry a small bottle with you, fill it with water from the sink before you go into the stall, and then rinse the cup over the toilet." Too complicated? You can always switch to a pad or tampon when you're going out.

What is up with the blood clots?

Breathe easy — those blobs are gross, but you definitely don't need to panic. When you have your period, you body usually releases anticoagulants to keep things slowing smoothly. Sometimes your flow is too heavy for those anticoagulants to keep up, and voilà, you get chunks of blood. "Small clots the size of raisins are usually nothing to worry about," Dr. Ross says. If you get a clot bigger than a quarter, let your gyno know. But seriously, don't freak out — clots are rarely a sign of anything major.

Can I lose a tampon inside of me?

Yes and no. While it's possible to push a tampon out of reach or forget you're wearing one in the first place, it's never really lost, because it can't get past your cervix. So even if you can't feel it, it's in there somewhere. "With some gentle exploration, the tampon can be found," Dr. Yamaguchi says. "If you can't find it — or you're having pain, abnormal discharge, fever, or you're just not sure if you got all of it — contact your gynecologist for an appointment."


Credit: Cosmopolitan