This Guy Complained About "Clingy Girls" on Facebook. Then They Took Over His Comments.

Here's why you don't post statuses like this.

21 March, 2018
This Guy Complained About "Clingy Girls" on Facebook. Then They Took Over His Comments.

Meet Ben. In a lot of ways, Ben is like half of the guys you're friends with on Facebook, in that Ben likes to post sometimes about problems he's experiencing in his personal life. What's up with Ben lately? According to some screenshots from his Facebook posted on Imgur, he's having some drama with "clingy ass girls," and he wants to see how many of his Facebook friends might feel him on this. 

Look at Ben riffing with his friends! Facebook can be so fun. It's cool to riff online with friends. That is until...

Uh oh! Looks like Ben isn't so innocent himself. He appears to have been clingy with this woman. Oh wait, what's this?

Another one! That's two, Ben. Dang. Things are not looking good, pal. This must be embarrassing. OH BUT HOLD THE PHONE BECAUSE LOOK:

Ben, my man! That's three! Maybe you should've considered these incessant messages (that certainly some people might see as "clingy") before you posted this status. Ben's complaint about "clingy ass girls" and the comments from three women he's basically terrorized via Facebook message are going viral on Imgur, where commenters are giving Ben a taste of his own medicine.

Just an FYI to Ben and any other guys like him who may be reading: sending women "hey" over and over again, to no response, is not how you make friends or get someone to like you. Neither is posting statuses complaining about "clingy ass girls." Women don't like to be called "clingy ass!" It's rude. Get a new tactic, Ben. 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan